7 Smart and Stylish Ways to Decorate a Corner

cee bee design studio
Corner Design

As quarantine is here to stay and we are all cooped up in our apartments, it can be fun to decorate our humble abodes once in a while just to spruce up our mundane lives. As many of us live in tiny apartments, we think there are not many ways in which we can creatively decorate the corners in our rooms. That is not true, you can take inspiration from some of the best interior decorators in Bangalore to see how they are creatively making use of that tiny corner you thought was useless.

Something for kids

Let’s be honest, while you are on zoom attending an important meeting, your 3-year-old is busy creating a ruckus. Well, why not create a little playroom for them by using up the empty space in the corner? Just decorate the walls with some bright coloured tapes, hang a few of their favourite toys with threads, and put a small mattress for them to sit on, along with some cute cushions, and voila! It’s done.

Room with a view?

If you are lucky enough to have a corner in your room with a small window in front of it, make the most out of it. There is so much you can do with it, you can put a small bean bag in front of the window for days when you want to chill with a cup of tea and read your favourite book, or you can place two chairs and a small centre table in between and create your own personal coffee shop.

Mini closet

Do you have that one chair that you use to toss your clothes into? Let’s declutter. Create a cute little mini closet with a small steel pipe and elbow joints and screw them on the walls. You can now hang your scarves, underwear, that one shirt you wear when going for groceries. Not only does your room look cleaner, it also saves space and makes it look more organized.

Let your inner artist shine

Quarantine might be stressful but you can beat it by engaging in your hobbies. Make some art and let the artist in you run free. And then turn the old corner into an artist’s exhibition. You can stick some of your favourite band’s posters and even decorate it with an old vinyl record, stick your recent artwork, or even write some motivational quotes that give you the strength to conquer 2020.

Welcome to the jungle

If you want to know what the apartments interior designers in Bangalore are doing to stay quirky and healthy, do this! Break the Covid blues by adding a few houseplants in the corner. This can make your early morning yoga more fun, giving you the feeling of exercising out in nature. Plus, it’s a treat to the eyes as the colour green is soothing to look at.

Mini library

All the book lovers are going to enjoy this one. You can build a small shelf in the corner and add your favourite books, comics, coffee table reads, and more. Add a few string lights and some flowers and it looks Pinterest ready. If you want you even add a few cushions on the floor and make it your reading nook.

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